Audience profiles

Who is going to be in the audience when your movie hit the big screen?
15 - 25


female and male

students (high school, college/sixth-form, university), part time and full time workers.

Taste in music:

rock, R&B, pop

Taste in film:

horror, action, thriller

The audience to my film would need to enjoy the jumpy twists in films and like the unexpected. The film would probably be too scary or hard to focus on for under 15 years as they are still too young. I think horrors appeal more to younger people as it seems more exciting and thrilling to them. Gender doesn't have a big impact on the audience except the fact that women might be more scared and could jump more at parts. Also, woman would probably turn away more at the gore and violence.

I think another major point for the audience is that they need to believe in the realism of the film. They need to believe in what could be or what is there but can't be seen, such as ghosts and spirits.

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